304 Indian Trace, Suite 105, Weston, Florida 33326

Are Unions a Positive Force for Change in the Labor Market?
Large strikes have spotlighted unions and labor issues. Read our take on whether the problems are real and demands are fair—plus potential solutions.

Reviewing & Reinventing Culture for the New Workplace
Old company cultures can get challenged by the new workplace, especially remote and hybrid models. Learn how to assess and adapt for a robust culture.

Fighting Bad Customer Service: When Employers Share the Blame
Customer service is only getting worse and consumers vote with their wallets. Karp HR explains the role employers play and what they can do to improve it.

When is “Unlimited Time Off” a Real Benefit—or Just a Mirage?
Unlimited PTO has many potential benefits but also significant drawbacks if not done right. Learn about these plans and how to implement them properly.

What Is Going On with the Labor Market in 2023?!
High-profile layoffs & reports of tough job searches seem at odds with strong job numbers—why? Karp HR digs into the current state of employment.

“Fake” Jobs Are on the Rise: Why & How to Avoid Them
Not all job listings are real opportunities—or at least likely ones. Learn about the increase in scams and ghost jobs, why they exist, and how to spot them.

Pay Transparency Is Changing Hiring & Retention Practices
Today, more workers know what positions are and should be making. Here’s how things are changing and tips for employers to adapt.

More Workers Are Financially Stressed and Need Help. What Can Employers Do?
Employees are suffering greater financial stress that impacts their health and productivity. Here’s how employers can help with customized benefits.

The Perils & Possible End of the Noncompete Agreement
Noncompete agreements are common & but the FTC is aiming to ban them. Learn about the legal hurdles and other considerations for employers.

New Year. New Job? A Look at In-Demand Positions & Fields
Specific jobs are expected to grow dramatically in the next 10 years, from high-paying tech jobs to blue-collar positions. Here’s a look at key projections.

We understand the value of good advice, but business success is measured by performance and profit. You need a knowledgeable listener who goes beyond evaluation. That's why we don't consult. We advocate. Anything less would be an incomplete solution.
- 304 Indian Trace, Suite 105 Weston, Florida 33326
- steve@karphrsolutions.com
- 954-684-3284
- karphrsolutions.com
Copyright 2017 Karp Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.